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Myosha Powell
I'm originally from New York and moved to Tampa in 2005. I'm an aunt to four nieces and three nephews and hope to have my own family someday. I've often worried that the activism happening in the New York school systems would happen here in Tampa. I don't want that for my future family or any other. After attending several school board meetings and seeing the disregard, antagonization, and condescension parents were met with by school board members, it was clear that parents had few allies on the board. Children are our future. The track our youth is on concerning. Hillsborough County has a literacy rate of 50 percent yet members of the current school board have been more focused on pushing adult content on students rather than equipping them for the future. My goal is to be an ally to parents, put the focus on improving reading and math skills, and place students on a path to success.